To inform entertain and excite my kids, Jamie, Patrick, Aaron & Sarah Middleburgh, our family and friends.

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photo of Dave Middleburgh
Hong Kong

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I started this blog 8 years ago wth the specific objective of opening a line of communication to my family in Europe. At that time, I infrequently traded emails and phone calls with my sons: grudging and monosyllabic ones with Patrick and ones with Aaron mostly late at night, about money, which by comparison were positively loquatious, witty and insightful. I was talking to my (now) ex-wife through solicitors about a divorce and I hadn't talked to my mother for about 5 years. I had last seen my daughter from my first marriage, Sarah, when she was 6 months old, Not a very satisfactory situation.

However not until I suggested to a friend, Denise Wong, who was thinking of keeping a trip journal for her upcoming South American vist , that she should start a blog did I consider doing so myself. I now talk regularly to my sons and even brave the cold to visit them and my mother. There was even a flurry of activity with my daughter although that regetably has fallen off recently ... but there is always tommorrow.

Denise bought me back a Peruvian Mug from her trip . I am pleased to say that I haven't broken it yet and that it's still in daily use . I doubt if she remembers "Kieth" and Eric", my finger meerkats, who at the time clearly made an impression on her but aparently the Alpaca's reminded her of them which is why she bought me the mug.

Things have come full circle ; Patrick, Aaron and Sarah now have another brother who plays with "Keith and Eric". He has visited London Zoo where he was specifcally introduced to the Meerkats and the Alpacas. Denise got married, had a son and presumably has settled down although she may still highlight her hair and shock her aunty in Vietnam.


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