To inform entertain and excite my kids, Jamie, Patrick, Aaron & Sarah Middleburgh, our family and friends.

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Hong Kong

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Middleburgh Minds the Gap

My youngest son is a great fan of the London Underground.

A couple of trips on the Central Line and irrespective of travel direction, he could name the next station. He enthused (in so far as a 4.5 year old can) over the "mind the gap" and "mind the doors" announcements. I suspect he found it so exciting because it was different from riding on the Hong Kong MTR (the quaint old carriages, the Dickensian mix of passengers etc) .Each to his own .... Personally I find both the trilingual (Cantonese/English/Mandarin) MTR announcements and the passengers more entertaining than those in London.

I once had a colleague whose ringtone was the Hong Kong version of "Mind the Doors" which I thought it was really cool but unfortunately he left before I could copy it. I searched on the net (without success) and even tried to record it myself (poor quality), Last week after writing up the previous post on our recent London visit I did another search.This time I found (amongst other things) Emma Clarke's (Voice of London Underground) "Mind the Gap clip. (AJ's girlfriend might like her chipped nail spoof.) I also found a local HK site with lots of MTR announcement clips albeit of variable quality.

The ironic thing is that I now have absolutely no intention of using any of these clips because these days I audio code incoming calls eg .

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