To inform entertain and excite my kids, Jamie, Patrick, Aaron & Sarah Middleburgh, our family and friends.

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Hong Kong

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Middleburgh is a state of mind .... Discuss....

At it's heart this is a question about reality. ie does Middleburgh) the place, truly exist and if so is it just a construct like the Matrix, Narnia or Disneyland. Does it exist in Google Search results only, or expanding on Descartes' proposition that "I think therefore I am" is the existence of Middleburgh dependent on of a "consciousness". We could pick at this, like Vroman's Nose.....

Instead lets talk
Lego!! . I have been considering taking my 4 and bit year old son to Legoland in Malaysia, instead of making the annual pilgrimage to the UK. It's a difficult choice, not much in in it (climate, beaches, food etc), until you factor in David Cameron's new Police Commissioners (Gaulieters) stalking the land looking for the person who voted for them.

Coincidentally I visited LEGO Australia which is celebrating 50 years since the iconic LEGO brick first arrived in the country. (Before the points system was introduced but after you needed a criminal record) This set me thinking.... if one concedes that Middleburgh the place could be real (I know it's a stretch)... then there could be an infinite number of Middleburgh's (real, virtually real or simply built in Lego) throughout the space/time continuum (if you except the former, then the latter inevitably must be true) ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING!

Stream Of Consciousness:
aka Trendsmap If you accept the proposition that the existence of Middleburgh is dependent upon a "consciousness" then the manifestation of that collective consciousness must be the Twitter stream about or coming out of Middleburgh. Trendsmap continuously tracks twitter trends by location. Centre on "Middleburgh" and decide for yourself if there is a Middleburgh consciousness ....... .

Alternatively if you believe that tweets are like voices in your head and a precurser to a psychotic event you may be more comfortable with images,and you should perhaps try WorldCam This tool leverages Instagram and allows you to search for up to the minute photos of a specific venue/location. You know.... if you can see it, pinch it , touch it (metaphorically) then it must exist . I had this need to check out Kearys Lexus in Kinsale Road, Cork.

By now you should have worked out that this week' I was browsing map mashups. RouteXL is a route planning tool which allows you to calculate the optimum route between a series of destinations, to save time, money and fuel, reducing your CO2 footprint.Useful for Environmentally responsible salesman who want to maximize client face time and minimize non productive travel time. Know many of them fdo you ?? well might be useful for the denizens of Middleburgh!!

According to the Scholaire Chamber of commerce the Port of Albany is nearest to Middleburgh although the nearest I can get with SeaRouteFinder is New Haven which is 11.5K Nautical Miles from HK, .It would take about 12 days via the Panama Canal and consume in excess of 1.2 K Tons of Fuel (assuming a small 4.5KTEU vessel traveling at 22 Knots). For comparison it is about 10K Nautical Miles to London, and would take about 10 days via Suez canal (assuming no wars) and would consume 1K Tons of fuel (Haven't you always wanted to know this !!)

MapsofAll is an really interesting mashup with one irritating feature. There is no way to hide the overlay which supports navigation drill down(eg North America>USA>New York>Schenectady>Middleburgh) and provides a narrative about locations and thing of nearby interest. Unfortunately it masks a significant amount of the underlying map.Pity ...still I did discover the footpath to Ap Lei Pai


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